
eLearning SUMMITNordrhein-Westfalen

eSUMMIT “Corporate Learning in the Netherlands” 2021

05. Oktober 2021, 9:00 – 14:00 Uhr, Zoom


Frank Siepmann


Nadia Eggmann


Anh Dinh



Michael Fally

SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels AG

Meredith Taghi

Deutsche Post DHL

Prof. Dr. Sjoerd van den Heuvel

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

Astrid Dürnberger

SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels AG


BeginnEndeProgrammpunkt/ReferentMehr Informationen
Opening Session09:3010:00Opening Session
+Keynote I10:0010:20Meike Leue
Meike LeueMeike LeueHays

I know what I want - how NOT to find the right learning approach.

In-house learning needs arise in the professional departments. No question about it. But recognising THAT you need new competences does not mean that you can name HOW these can ideally be developed. Nevertheless, the departments form an opinion and then ask internally or externally for specific workshops, WBTs or online content. Often it is then too late to convince the decision-makers that a different learning approach would be better. But how can we, as L&D professionals, position ourselves as true learning consultants? In this KeyNote, Meike Leue highlights the importance of this topic for recruitment services and what measures Hays is taking to already accompany the opinion-forming process of the departments.
Themenpanel 10:2010:50
+Panel IFilip Janic
Proctorio GmbH
Filip Janic
Proctorio GmbH

Use Case: How fully automated invigilation and identity verification for online testing is revolutionising professional learning

Using the business model of a typical education provider, we will illustrate the concept of fully automated online test invigilation and its applications in continuing education. We will also give you insights into the Proctorio solution; looking at everything from the wide range of invigilating settings to the test taker perspective and the evaluation of results.
+Panel IIAntonio Torres
Rosetta Stone
Antonio TorresRosetta Stone
Rosetta Stone

Reducing language training cost with an expodential increase in learner numbers - A case study

Analysis showed significant multi-million spend on World Language Training in PMI. A Learning initiative that saves $2mio+ per annum to repurpose and reinvest in organizational transformation.
Building critical new collaboration skills for diverse workforce of 77,000 employees, across 100+ countries, speaking 80+ languages.
Giving everyone, everywhere, anytime access to cutting edge digital world language training.
+Keynote II10:5011:10Dr. Kai Liebert
Learning Ecosystem Experte
Kai LiebertDr. Kai Liebert
Learning Ecosystem Experte

Thoughts on Corporate Learning Ecosystems – buzzy, fuzzy & dizzy or Corporate Learning lifesaver?

"Hey, we're implementing a Corporate Learning Ecosystem" - doesn't this sound cool? It means your a forerunner in creating a state of the art learning environment with an outstanding learner experience. And it's agile, and people will love it, and you'll get a hamper from the CEO for Christmas.
So that's all very nice but let's have a look on implementation of such an ecosystem first. Setting up a learning ecosystem in a large company requires a longterm strategy with several steps to increase your ecosystem maturity on a corporate level. Based on real life experiences we'll sneak up to ecosystem readiness. Let the journey begin ...
+Keynote III11:3011:50Michael Fally
SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels AG
Astrid Dürnberger
SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels AG
Michael FallyMichael FallySpar
SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels AG

Astrid Dürnberger
SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels AG

5 countries, 5 languages: Challenges in implementing an LMS in the SPAR countries

In 2018 SPAR Austria launchend a new training platform and hence laid the foundation for a new corporate learning standard. In the next steps the SPAR countries Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Italy were integrated into the corporate platform. As part of the presentation, we will share the lessons learned during this multilingual project.
Themenpanel 11:50 12:20
+Panel IIIDEGENER Verlag GmbH
+Panel IVMeredith Taghi
Deutsche Post DHL
Meredith Taghi
Deutsche Post DHL

Precision learning based on skills rather than content.

DPDHL is using a new skills ontology to support targeted and personalised learning experiences. By using a flexible skills ontology DPDHL is transitioning to a more skills based focus which enables more targeted and precision learning solutions for individuals.
+Keynote IV13:2013:40Dr. Sjoerd van den Heuvel
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

Dr. Sjoerd van den Heuvel
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

Analytics Translators: the must have-role in becoming a data-driven business!

Do you speak data? Do you speak business? Well, most professionals only speak one of both ‘languages’. Consequently, your data-experts and business-professionals do not really understand each other, and your organization struggles with getting value out of all data available. In a 2018 publication in Harvard Business Review, McKinsey therefore introduced the role of Analytics Translator. The Analytics Translator bridges the gap between data expertise on the one hand and business expertise on the other hand. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that by 2026 the demand for Analytics Translators in the United States alone would have risen to between two and four million jobs. So, what is this Analytics Translator? What knowledge, skills, and attitudes need to be developed? How can an analytics translator contribute to becoming a true data-driven business?

BarCamp Session13:4014:00BarCamp Session

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