Learning Analytics are increasingly spreading

Toronto/Pune/Dublin | Learning Analytics are becoming increasingly important globally. In its current market study “Global Learning Analytics Market 2018-2022”, the Canadian market researcher Technavio assumes that the market will grow by a total of 27 % annually in relation to the school, academic and consumer segments. 75 % of this growth is due to the academic market segment, according to Technavio. America continues to be the main revenue driver of the global Learning Analytics market in the forecast period.

If we compare this Technavio forecast with other market researchers, a more comprehensive classification of the facts and the presumed current development is possible. For example, in a market study, the Indian market researcher MarketsandMarkets assumes that the market will grow by 22.6% from 2018 to 2023. By contrast, the Irish market researcher Research and Markets assumes annual growth of 17.4 % in the forecast period 2019 to 2025 and puts the expected market value in 2025 at USD 49.12 million per year. No matter which forecast you study, the market for learning analytics is developing very dynamically. Companies are also making increasing use of them, for example to create performance indicators or to enable a higher return on investment for learning measures.

Image: © Kirill – stock.adobe.com