Promoting employee engagement with gifts?

Hagen im Bremisch/Wellington (New Zealand) | Gingerbread and marzipan on supermarket shelves are more than subtle signs of this: it’s a pre-Christmas time again. Many companies are considering these days whether to give their employees a small gift as a sign of appreciation for Christmas. After all, it is possible to say quite precisely for the human resources department these days what amount can be given away for the employee completely tax-free by the end of the year.

It is clear that a gift is always a nice gesture and thus potentially able to build a good relationship between employer and employee and could thus help the employee commitment. But even when you give it away, you can step into a fat bowl. For example, a recent New Zealand consumer survey found that 30% of respondents believe that managers are bad donors. Examples of “bad gifts” included a voucher for a banana or a medium glass of mineral water, a pack of sanitary napkins, but also a self-help book.

How do you evaluate this information from the Pacific region, which almost comes across as fun facts?  – Distributing gifts is not easy, neither for individuals nor for companies. In addition, the demands for a great gift in the workforce are very diverse. The only consolation in this context is that Christmas is not decided under the tree, as a large German electronics chain suggested as an advertising slogan, but that something material in times of “Fridays for future” is certainly not the only important thing in life.

Image: © denisismagilov