Increasing importance of virtual and augmented reality in higher education

Framingham (Massachusetts) | A recent forecast by the market research company International Data Corporation (IDC) assumes that the virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) sectors of higher education worldwide will each experience an annual growth rate of around 98.8% over the next two years. According to the IDC, the university sector with VR and AR is already expected to generate sales of around 17.8 billion dollars. In-company training will benefit insofar as difficult professional situations can be trained in a safe environment using VR and AR. For example, prospective student teachers can simulate stress situations such as noisy classrooms or dealing with unruly parents in virtual reality and train a reflected appearance there. Or in medical studies at Browne University in Providence, for example, VR makes it possible to view small objects such as plankton with more detail than under a microscope. The added value of the increased use of VR and AR in higher education is therefore obvious and should lead to improved qualification for the world of work.

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