Kassy LaBorie – Virtual Training Production

Producing Virtual Training, Meetings, and Webinars: Master the Technology to Engage Participants

Author: Kassy LaBorie
Publishing Company: Association for Talent Development
Price: $28.83 (kindle), $28.83 (paperback)
ISBN: (paperback) 978-1950496259
Published: December 29, 2020

In this book, Kassy LaBorie, go-to training expert and co-author of Interact and Engage! 50 Activities for Virtual Training, Meeting, and Webinars, guides you through the production knowledge and skills a trainer needs to master the production of virtual events while delivering engaging training, productive meetings, and captivating webinars—from how to prepare the technology and content beforehand to how to run everything smoothly. Using examples from and discussing differences among common virtual conferencing platforms such as Adobe Connect, Blackboard, Zoom, Webex, GoTo suite, and Microsoft Teams, LaBorie offers a plan of action for conquering just about any platform and troubleshooting potential problems. This book thoroughly examines typical platform features (audio, webcam, chat, screen share), advanced interaction methods (polling, breakouts, Q&A), and administration and logistics elements (logins, session scheduling, reports).