Tips for onboarding via elearning

onboardingOnboarding is a decisive process for all companies that needs to be controlled in a targeted manner. After all, it is important to introduce identified top performers to their new tasks and to further motivate their enthusiasm for the company, thus setting the course for long-term cooperation. But what is important to pay attention to if an onboarding program is to be implemented in the company via eLearning?

Familiarity in the learning environment                    

Even though each company ultimately creates and applies its own corporate training design, learners unconsciously appreciate familiar elements. Finally, there is always an implicit comparison with other applications and websites known from everyday life. Provided that the learning world is as easy to understand and use as Netflix, Amazon and Co.

Colours and symbols with recognition value

If colours and symbols are consciously used for the same types of tasks and instructions in the digital learning environment, learners will find their way around better and thus gain orientation.

Presentation of the learning content 

Especially for onboarding, the following applies: Brevity is the soul of wit. And this is true even if the information and background knowledge to be imparted is extensive and necessary for a successful start to a job. When communicating text, for example, it is important to keep sentences and paragraphs short, to include key words in bold print, to use bullet points wherever it makes sense, and to generally use clearer and more generally understandable language.


Precisely because „You grow with the challenges“ applies, care must be taken to ensure that the new personnel have an adequate level of difficulty. If a task is too difficult, the new job candidate may lose interest and in the worst case, the new candidate may drop out. The tasks in onboarding should therefore be challenging but still feasible.

Give job candidates the opportunity to develop their talents!

Image: © sdecoret –