Dallas | 315 billion US Dollar annual turnover should cover the global eLearning market in 2025. US market researcher Adroit Market Research is convinced of this in a recently published analysis. The mentioned market research company assumes that the market value last year was 198 billion US dollars. If the forecast is correct, the annual market value is likely to increase gradually over the next six years by a further 117 US Dollar billion annually. According to Adroit Market Research, corporate eLearning is the fastest growing growth driver. Here, it is above all apparent that eLearning can shorten training times. US companies, for example, assume that learning time can be halved.
According to Adroit Market Research, it is generally eLearning cloud solutions that are in demand on the market. The North American market is still the largest worldwide. Based on an estimate of the market value in 2025, the analysis is in line with other similarly named markets. For example, the Irish market researcher Research and Markets estimates that the market will be worth 319.167 billion US Dollars in 2025. The US analyst Global Market Insights also assumes that more than 300 US Dollar billion is likely to be turned over in 2025. The associated market researchers currently estimate average annual growth rates of around 9%.
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