Workplace trends and necessary course-setting for the future

workplace designSan Francisco | As the shortage of skilled workers has reached several industries, companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of employee satisfaction. The analyst Startup Genome assumes this in its “Ecosystem Report 2019”. To increase this satisfaction, companies are increasingly turning to digital support and e-learning, and in doing so are taking a closer look at the learner/worker and his or her own needs. Cloud-based solutions would boom here. Finally, according to the start-up company Genome, this also means that one-size-fits-all solutions in the sense of a “one-size-fits-all” mentality will be increasingly rare in the field of knowledge management platforms in 2020. According to Startup Genome, employee satisfaction is also so important because it is closely related to productivity.

According to Startup Genome, digital collaboration software for business collaboration has a lot of catching up to do, as the user experience is often not yet able to keep up with private alternatives such as WhatsApp & Co. In addition, areas of work such as workplace design need to be given more attention, even if this is often the responsibility of a team other than the eLearning department. Correspondingly, it is also important here to cooperate more across departments and to analyse where burdensome elements occur in everyday work and how these can be minimised. All in all, the above-mentioned trends appear to be promising for both companies and employees.

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