Hagen im Bremischen (Germany) | Every beginning is hard. This is especially true for the start of a career. But how can employers support their newly hired employees? As important as this question is, the answer to this question is complex in terms of corporate strategy.
First of all, the basic principle is that employees today expect the employer to actually invest in their personal future and thus also to promote their very personal development. In this respect it is not relevant whether the corresponding further training formats take place in the presence or via eLearning. According to Brent Lehmann, the inventor of the ImproveMe concept, if this investment does not happen, there is the threat of dismissal. In his experience, the lack of personal development and the associated self-development and appreciation are the most important reason for termination, which is even more important than remuneration, for example. Lehmann comments on the background to this: „Young people who have spent years at school and university are often shocked when they start working to find that there are fewer opportunities to keep learning and developing“.
But Lehmann, also has a number of tips for employers, which can be summarized as follows:
– Identify the strengths of your employee! Is he more of a leader or a team player? Take this into account when allocating tasks in your everyday work!
– Set up a mentoring programme for newcomers to the company! At the same time, you can turn the tables on the age cohort and let the Millenials train the older employees in the use of digital technology, for example.
– Offer opportunities for formal and informal training! Even if it is often easier said than done in the complex work processes that companies are committed to today.
But why is it so important once again to support young employees professionally? – From a business management point of view, there is absolutely nothing more appropriate than the achievement of important career steps and lifelong learning and development of the staff. Because without personal growth, general economic growth is difficult to imagine.
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