Hagen im Bremischen (Germany) | How can a company manage to develop maximum impact with the recently initiated eLearning? – This question is currently driving many organizations that are new to this change management process. At this point we will try to give newcomers an answer that is as well-founded as possible and which makes recommendations for action and design regarding several aspects.
– Internal eLearning organisation team
For eLearning to be a complete success, you need competent eLearning-affine personnel in your own ranks. Only if the team responsible for management and design is enthusiastic about its work, should it be possible to infect the staff themselves with this same enthusiasm. In addition, it is essential to have in-depth knowledge of the requirements of your organisation.
– Competent eLearning provider
No matter how large a company or organization is. There is always cooperation with eLearning providers in one way or another. Therefore, it is essential to take an intensive look at this. For companies that have already introduced an LMS, for example, an initial decision has already been made. And yet it is precisely in the initial phase after the implementation that it ultimately becomes apparent what the support provided by the provider actually looks like and how the provider deals with problems that arise in the companies using the system or with new implementation requests for eLearning learning units. However, even if the cooperation should be difficult at the beginning, all is not lost if intensive communication takes place in search of solutions.
– Long-term development plan for the use of eLearning
A structured plan for the eLearning implementation as well as the time after is the key to making the operational eLearning deployment a success. Only in this way can it be ensured that the number of users, learning duration, return on investment, but also the changes in the learning culture that come with it, move in the right direction at a sufficiently rapid pace. It is advisable to stagger the corresponding structured development plan over time, for example to define the milestones to be achieved after 12 and 24 months, so that necessary development steps can be identified. When drawing up a corresponding plan, it is also important to consider that in change processes such as the introduction of eLearning, the scientific literature underestimates one thing in particular: The time factor. This is since it usually takes considerably more time than assumed until the management’s specifications and new accentuations have reached the ordinary worker and have been internalised accordingly.
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