Hagen im Bremischen (Germany)| Employee burnout is a major concern for companies today. As many as 95% believe that employee loyalty is significantly reduced by burnout among the workforce. This is the result of a recently published survey by the service provider Kronos Incorporated and the personnel consultancy Future Workplace.
Employees interviewed in the same survey named the following main causes of burnout: unfair pay (41%), excessive workload (32%), time pressure (32%), poor management (30%), no connection between work activity and corporate strategy (29%) and poor corporate culture (26%).
However, according to a study by the University of Sussex in England, even work commonly referred to as ‚meaningful‘ can have negative effects and lead to burnout, as the values that apply in the workplace are not always shared by all employees, while at the same time there is pressure to adapt.
But what can HR and training managers do to deal with burnout better than before? – Trainers must be sensitized to recognize early signs of stress in the workforce and to minimize the associated stress factors to a large extent. For example, the work spaces should be designed to prevent unnecessary noise. But mental health training is also important to maintain and promote it.
At the same time, it is important to provide support channels and contact points for employees, especially since it is often a taboo subject that is not easily discussed. And the topic of „reconciling work and family life“ is by no means just a topic for interviews, but really important for many employees in order to stay healthy and balanced. Appreciation within the company is also important. Last but not least, company-specific measures can also bear fruit when it comes to addressing mental health promotion. This is exactly what is needed to achieve top performance on a continuous basis.
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