Badges are enjoying growing popularity

New York | Reward – that’s what many learners seem to appreciate in further education. At least that’s what more and more companies and universities are assuming. One way to make these available to employees in eLearning is badges. The badges symbolize that a person has earned them because of their performance, ability and effort. Of course, this can increase the incentive to acquire knowledge in a workforce and to show the progress of knowledge to the learners in a conspicuous way. Nowadays it is even possible that digital badges can be proudly shared on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

According to US market researcher Research Nester and its Digital Badges Market analysis, published in September 2019, the global market for platforms containing badges is flourishing and is growing by an annual rate over the 2019-2027 forecast period. 22,7 %. If this forecast is compared to the LMS overall market, at least if you refer to the Indian market researcher MarketsandMarkets or the Irish Research and Markets, growth is 3.1 % higher than general growth and thus there is an increased growth dynamic.  The Indian market researcher Wise Guy Research Consultants, on the other hand, expects annual growth of as much as 28.23 % in the overall LMS market in the forecast period 2018-2025. The difference in forecasts is likely to be explained by different data bases. According to most of the analyses of market researcher, LMS with badges are more attractive than those without.

From the world’s point of view, the North American market will continue to be the largest in the coming years until 2027. However, the Asia-Pacific region has the most dynamic growth rate. This is the assumption of the market researcher Research Nester.

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