Dublin | The continent of Africa is the smallest eLearning market in the world to date. But according to the current analysis „Africa E-Learning Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2018-2023“ by the Irish market researcher Research and Markets, there is immense growth here as well. Based on his own calculations and evaluations, the market researcher in question assumes that the African eLearning market accounted for a volume of more than 690 million dollars in 2017 and grew by 15 % per year between 2010 and 2017. Research and Markets continues to forecast that the corresponding eLearning market will grow at a comparable rate until 2023, and that it will thus grow to more than USD 1,571 million by the end of 2023.
In African countries, eLearning is particularly important because, for example, classical conventional teaching for pupils cannot meet the growing demand for high-quality education due to a lack of infrastructure in rural areas or a lack of qualified teaching staff, according to the analysis of Research and Markets. However, eLearning is also increasingly being used and appreciated in companies and universities.
Regionally, Research and Markets reports the largest growth in the African eLearning market in South Africa, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia and Kenya. South Africa currently accounts for the lion’s share of the African market and we account for around a quarter of the total African market. Research and Markets sees an Africa-wide sustainable trend in mobile learning.
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