Global eLearning market booming

Dublin | The current study „Global E-Learning Market Analysis & Trends-Industry Forecast to 2025“ of the Irish market research company Research and Markets assumes that the global eLearning market will grow at an annual average growth rate of 7.2% at present and in the coming years and that it will therefore have a market value of 325 billion US dollars by 2025. Both the operational and academic eLearning markets are included in these figures from Research and Markets. The already mentioned market research company is certain that digitization will increasingly become part of everyday life in society and will also bring about rapid growth in online content and corresponding services as well as infrastructure.

Gamification, IT security and the use of clouds are trends that, according to Research and Markets, are likely to continue over the coming years. It is never easy to use circumstantial evidence to make forecasts for the future. That’s why it should be exciting to look back in 2025 to see which indications and assumptions have come true.

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