Light into the darkness of the British Learning & Development scene!

London/Stockholm | Half of British companies spend on average between £0 and £200 per employee per year on training. 17% invest between 201 and 400 pounds, 13% between 401-600 pounds and 4% between 601-800 pounds and 801-1000 pounds respectively. About 12% of British companies even invest over £1,000. This is just one of many questions answered in last year’s benchmarking study conducted by the Swedish Educations Media Group’s benchmarking platform The answers to the Findcourses survey are based on a survey of 180 personnel and training managers. The sample is cross-industry and contains different company sizes from small companies with up to 50 employees to large companies with more than 10,000 employees.

Asked by Findcourses how the Learning & Development department behaves in comparison to its competitors, 32% of those responsible for continuing education assumed the same level, with 29% almost as many estimating the level to be higher, 11% even much higher. However, 20% also assumed a lower level, 8% even a much lower level. According to Findcourses, 76% of all companies that do not try to measure the impact of the training department’s work on business success were found to estimate that the training department’s performance was lower or much lower than that of its competitors. Also, 46% of these companies feared that their learning & development budgets would decrease next year. In contrast, the majority of 41% of all companies surveyed by Findcourses expect their budget to remain the same next year, 32% expect their budget to be higher and 27% expect their budget for training to decrease.

Findcourses is certain that it is important to determine the return on investment of training measures on the basis of its own survey, as then larger budgets would also be made available in the companies for further training and this would also lead to a better competitiveness. According to Findcourse’s analysis, below-average pecuniary and temporal investments in continuing training are also reflected in significantly shorter employee length of service and job satisfaction. The persons responsible for continuing training therefore play an important role in the companies, whereby the greatest challenge of the respondents to Findcourses is 34%, by far the most frequently mentioned, in the limited budget for measures. The complete study can be found at:

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