Pune (India) The Indian market research company „Market Research Nest“ is forecasting average annual sales growth of 13% in the eLearning Corporate Compliance market over the next 5 years. In the more than 100-page analysis „Global E-Learning Corporate Compliance Training Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2019-2024“ it comes to this conclusion and at the same time predicts that the global market will be 6.42 billion US dollars by 2024. Methodologically, the analysis is sometimes based on the evaluation of industry news and the inclusion of perceived trends in the market.
The report of „Market Research Nest“ provides a breakdown of typological markets and thus examines, for example, information security offerings, regular annual compliance training and diversity training separately. It also contains a geographical subdivision in which estimates of the market value in individual countries are made. According to the Market Research Nest, North America accounts for 56.02 % of total sales in the eLearning Corporate Compliance Training market. The market research company also expects the USA to play the most important role in the coming years.
“Market Research Nest“ also contributes an overview of large providers in this market segment and tries to support companies using eLearning in this way. Further information under https://www.marketresearchnest.com/
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